Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter12 Configuring WDS, Fast Sec ure Roaming, Radio Management, and Wireless Intrusion Detection Services
Configuring WDS
Step13 Select CiscoSecure Database from the Password Authentication drop-down menu.
Step14 In the Password and Confirm Password fields, enter exactly the same password that you entered on the
access point on the Wireless Services AP page.
Step15 Click Submit.
Step16 Repeat Step 10 through Step 15 for each access point that uses the WDS device.
Step17 Browse to the System Configuration page, click Service Control, and restart ACS to apply your ent ries.
Figure 12-13 shows the System Configuration page.
Figure12-13 ACS System Configuration Page
Configuring WDS Only Mode
WDS access points can operate in WDS only mode using the wlccp wds mode wds-only command.
After issuing this command and reloading, the access point starts wor king in the WDS only mode. In
WDS only mode, the dot11 subsystems are not initialized and the dot11 interface related commands
cannot be configured. In WDS only mode, the WDS supports up to 60 infrastructure access points and
up to 1200 clients. Use the no form of this command to turn off WDS only mode. Use the show wlccp
wds command to display the working mode of the WDS access point.
To set the WDS access point to operate in both AP and WDS modes, use the no wlccp wds mode
wds-only command and use the write erase command to reload the access point immediately. After the
access point reloads, the dot11 radio subsystems initialize. The access point and WDS associate directly
to wireless clients. In this mode, the WDS supports 30 infrastructure access points and 600 clients in
addition to 20 direct wireless client associations.