Important Notes
Dual E1 PRI for the Cisco AS5200
A new E1 PRI card providing physical termination for two E1 PRI lines was introduced. Unlike most controller E1 configurations, the Cisco AS5200’s E1 PRI controllers require a clock source, which is set with the clock source command.
Note For
Important Notes
The following sections contain important notes about Cisco IOS Release 11.2 P that can apply to the Cisco AS5200.
Deferral of Cisco IOS Release 11.2(26)P1, 11.2(26)P2 and 11.2(26)P3 Images
All images in Cisco IOS Release 11.2(26)P1, 11.2(26)P2 and 11.2(26)P3 have been deferred due to the following severe defect:
These releases have been replaced with the following software solution, which is available on
In order to increase network availability, Cisco recommends that you upgrade affected IOS images with the suggested replacement software images. Cisco will discontinue manufacturing shipment of affected IOS images. Any pending order will be substituted by the replacement software images.
Note Please be aware that failure to upgrade the affected ios images may result in network downtime.
The terms and conditions that governed your rights and obligations and those of Cisco, with respect to the deferred images will apply to the replacement images.
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