Cisco 7204 Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter1 Product Overview
Physical Description
Note To prevent DRAM errors and to ensure your system initializes correctly at startup, DRAM bank0
(socket U18 and U25, or U11 and U25) must contain no fewer than two SIMMs of the same type. You
may also install two SIMMs of the same type in bank 1 (socket U4 and U12, or U42 and U52); however,
bank 0 must always contain the two largest SIMMs.
Table 1 -3 lists the network processing engi ne factory-installed DRAM configurations and their product
Use the show version command to identify the network processing engine installed in your Cisco 7204
router. The following example shows an installed NPE-150:
Router> show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 7200 Software (C7200-J-M), Released Version 11.1(17)CA
Copyright (c) 1986-1996 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Sun 04-Aug-96 06:00 by rmontino
Image text-base: 0x60010890, data-base: 0x605F0000
(display text omitted)
cisco 7204 (NPE 150) processor with 12288K/4096K bytes of memory.
R4700 processor, Implementation 33, Revision 1.0 (Level 2 Cache)
Last reset from power-on
Bridging software.
(display text omitted)
Table1-3 DRAM SIMM Configurations (NPE-100, NPE-150, and NPE-200)
Total DRAM DRAM Bank 0 Quantity DRAM Bank 1 Quantity Product Number
32 MB U18 and U25
U11 and U25
2 16-MB
SIMMs U4 and U12 or
U42 and U52 –MEM-NPE-32MB1
1. These products are also available as DRAM upgrades. For example, to upgrade a network processing engine from 32 MB to
64 MB of DRAM, order product number MEM-NPE-32MB=. A 16 MB-option (product number MEM-N PE-16 MB=), whic h
consists of two 8-MB SIMMs, is also available from the factory as a DRAM upgrade.
64 MB U18 and U25
U11 and U25
2 32-MB
SIMMS U4 and U12 or
U42 and U52 –MEM-NPE-64MB1
128 MB U18 and U25
U11 and U25
2 32-MB
SIMMs U4 and U12 or
U42 and U52 2 32-MB