6. Partner RSA Authentication Agent configuration
This section provides instructions for integrating the partners’ product with RSA SecurID authentication. This document is not intended to suggest optimum installations or configurations. It is assumed that the reader has both working knowledge of the two products to perform the tasks outlined in this section and access to the documentation for both in order to install the required software components. All products/components need to be installed and working prior to this integration. Perform the necessary tests to confirm that this is true before proceeding.
For this integration, the products involved would be:
ÎRSA Authentication Manager
ÎRSA Authentication Agent for Windows
ÎCitrix MetaFrame Presentation Server
ÎCitrix MetaFrame Presentation Server Web Interface
RSA Authentication Agent Installation
For the purposes of this integration, the RSA Authentication Agent for Windows was installed as a local authentication client (LAC). This option must be explicitly selected during installation, since it is not the default.
Note: Installation of the Authentication Agent is only required to ensure that the appropriate DLLs for SecurID authentication are available to the Web Interface SecurID module. Even though the agent used in this integration was v6.0, any agent v5.0 or later should work.