Clarion VS738 owner manual MP3 Disc Replay

Models: VS738

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MP3 Disc Replay

Supported CD-R/RW


-Disk at once

-Track at once

Supported File Formats:

-ISO9660, level 1 and level 2



File System:

-Max. 8 levels of folders

-31 files in each folder

-Max. 255 folders

-Max. 255 files

Supported Bit Rates:

-@fs = 32, 44.1, 48, 96 kHz

-32 kbit/s – 320 kbit/s

Supported ID3V1 Tags:

-Song name: 30 characters

-Artist: 30 characters

Supported ID3V2 Tags:

-Song name: 30 Characters

-Artist: 30 Characters Example:

-Use ], [, 1 and ¡ to select an item or folder, then press the ENTER or PLAY button.

-Pressing the REPEAT button repeatedly can select three kinds of play modes.

REP-ONE:Plays the same song over and again.

FOLDER REPEAT: Plays all songs in the current directory in sequence, over and again.

NO REPEAT: Plays all songs in the current directory once.

During playback, use ]/[ to skip an item ahead or back.

1: Fast rewind, ¡: Fast forward.


The folder cannot be selected during playback. This can only be done after pressing the 7 STOP button. During play, the screen will display the MP3- ID3 instead of REPEAT MODE. In this case, it only displays the song name and artist.

Special Functions

-Volume, color, contrast and brightness can be adjusted when in the stop mode.

-ANGLE: Selects the volume, color, contrast and brightness:

1: Softer/Weaker

¡: Louder/Stronger

-DISPLAY: Returns to normal values (except for volume).


-For MP3 discs, the above modes cannot be adjusted.

-When the total value of the contrast and brightness is 29, further increase is impossible.

-Do not select excessively high values for the contrast and brightness.


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Clarion VS738 owner manual MP3 Disc Replay