Cobra Electronics HG-PI1000 manual DC Wiring, Operation

Models: HG-PI1000

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DC Wiring

DC Wiring



DC Wiring

CAUTION: Loosely tightened connectors result in excessive voltage drop and may cause over heated wires and melted insulation.

CAUTION: Reverse polarity connections (positive to nega- tive) will blow external fuses in the inverter and may perma- nently damage the unit. Such damage is not covered by the warranty.

CAUTION: We recommend a main fuse in the battery’s posi- tive cable to protect against DC wiring short circuits (exter- nal to the inverter). The fuse should be as close to the bat- tery as possible. We recom- mend a Buss Fuse ANL-250 or equivalent. The specific fuse ampere rating should be sized to allow operation of all your DC powered equipment.

DC Wiring

1.Be sure the ON/OFF switch on the inverter is in the OFF position.

2.Connect the cables to the power input termi- nals on the rear panel of the inverter. The red terminal is positive (+) and the black terminal is negative (-). Insert the bare ends of the cables into the terminals and tighten the screws to clamp the wires securely.

3.Connect the cable from the negative terminal of the inverter to the negative terminal of the battery. Make a secure connection.

4.Double check that the cable you just installed connects the negative terminal of the invert- er to the negative terminal of the battery.

Power connections to the inverter must be positive to positive and negative to negative.

5.Connect the cable from the positive terminal of the inverter to the positive terminal of the battery’s main fuse, or to the battery selector switch, if you are using one. Make a secure connection.

You might observe a spark when you make this connection since current can flow to charge capacitors in the inverter.


Turn the inverter On by using the ON/OFF switch on the left side panel .

The inverter is now ready to deliver AC power to your loads. If several loads are to be operated by the inverter, turn them on separately, after the inverter has been turned On. This will ensure that the inverter does not have to deliver the starting currents required for all the loads at once.

WARNING: Do not make this connection in the presence of flammable fumes. Explosion or fire may result. Thoroughly ventilate the battery compart- ment before making this con- nection.





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Cobra Electronics HG-PI1000 manual DC Wiring, Operation