Page 10 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 11

Setting the Clock T ime

To change the clock hour: while holding the TIME SET button, pr ess
the HOUR button.
The PM indicator on the display will li ght for “PM” hours.
To change the c lock minutes: while hol ding the TIME SET button,
press the MIN button.

Setting the Alar m Time

To change the alarm hour : while holding th e ALARM SET b utton,
press the HOUR button.
The PM indicator on the display will li ght for “PM” hours.
To change the alarm minutes: while holding the ALARM SET button,
press the MIN button.

Setting the Alar m Mode

You can set the alarm to wake to the radio or to a buz zer.
To wake to radio, set the ALARM MO DE switch to the “R adio” posi-
To wake to a buzzer, set the ALARM MOD E switch to the “Buzzer”

Turning the Alarm O n/Off

When the alarm is turned on, an aler t will sound for 1 hour and 59
minutes at the preset Alarm Time.
To turn the alarm on, set the POWER switch to the “Aut o” position
(the Auto indicator on the display wil l light).
To turn the alarm off f or the day, press t he ALARM SE T / OFF but-
ton. The alarm will be reset for the nex t day.
To turn the alarm off completely, set t he POWER switch to the “ Off”