Page 2 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 3
The lightning ash with arrow head symbol wit hin an equilater al triangle
is intended to alert th e user to the presence of uninsulated “da ngerous
voltage” within the produc t’s enclosure that may be of suf cient magn i-
tude to constitute a risk of elec tric shock.
The exclamation point w ithin an equi lateral tri angle is inte nded to aler t
the user to the p resence of importa nt operatio n and ser vicing in struc-
tions in the literature accom panying the appli ance.
To prevent re or shock hazard, do not expose this device to rain or moisture. Dangerous high
voltage is present inside the en closure. Do not ope n the cabinet.
To prevent electric shock, match wi de blade of plug to wi de slot of outlet and f ully insert.
For recycling o r dispos al infor mation about th is produ ct, ple ase cont act your
local authorities or the Ele ctronics Indu stries Allian ce: www.eiae.or g.
For Customer Use:
Enter below the serial number that i s located on the unit . Retain this infor ma-
tion for future reference.
Model No. CR-A129
Serial No.