Page 2 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 3
The lightning ash with arrowhead symbol withi n an equilateral triangle
is intended to alert t he user to the presence of uni nsulated “ danger-
ous voltage” wit hin the product ’s enclosur e that may be of suf cient
magnitude to constitute a risk o f electric sho ck.
The exclamation point within an eq uilateral tria ngle is intended to al ert
the user to the presence of important operation an d servicing instruc-
tions in the literature accom panying the appli ance.
For Customer Use:
Enter below the serial number that is located on the rear
of the unit. Retain this information for future reference.
Model No. DP-350
Serial No.
WARNING: To prevent re or shock hazard, d o not expo se this dev ice to ra in or moi sture.
Dangerous high voltage is pres ent inside the enc losure. Do not open t he cabinet.
CAUTION: To prevent electric shock, match wide bl ade of plug to wide slot of outlet and
fully insert.
WARNING: Handling the cord s on this product w ill expose you to le ad, a chemical k nown to
the State of California to cau se cancer, and bir th defects or o ther reproduc tive harm. Wash
hands after handling.