Page 2 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 3
Protect your hearing: Hearing experts advise against the c onstant use of personal stereos
played at high volume. Constant exposure to high volumes can lead to hearing loss. If you should
experience ringing in the ears or hearing loss, discontinue use and seek medical advice.
Note: If the product suddenly has no re sponse or powers of f, an electrosta tic discharge may
be the cause. In this circumsta nce, please foll ow the procedur es below for rec overy:
Use a paper clip to press the Reset bu tton located on t he rear of the unit .
Turn the unit on again
SD is a trademark of the SD Card Ass ociation. SD HC Logo is a tradem ark of SD-3C, LLC .
For recycling or dis posal information about this product, pleas e cont act
your local authorities or the E lectronics I ndustries All iance: www.eia