The lightning ash with arrowh ead symbol w ithin an equi lateral tri-
angle is i ntended to alert the user to t he presence of uninsulated
“dangerous voltage” within t he product’s enclosure that may be of
sufcient magnitude to const itute a risk of electric sh ock.
The exclamation point w ithin an equilateral triangle is intend ed to
alert the user t o the presenc e of importa nt operation an d servicing
instructions in the literature ac companying the applianc e.
For recycling or disposal information about this pro d-
uct, please contact your local author ities or the Elec-
tronics Industries Alliance: ww w.eiae.org.
For Customer Use:
Enter below the serial numbe r that is located o n the bottom of
the unit. Retain this information for fut ure reference.
Model No. MP-C841
Serial No.