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Carefully unpack th e main unit from its carton (do not attempt to connect anything at this stage). The carton
should contain the following item s:
Instruction Manual
Main Unit with AC Plug
If any of t hese items are missing, please consult your local ret ailer. Please retain the original packaging for
future transport of this unit.

Handling CDs

Hold a CD by its edges. Avoid touc hing the record ed side of the disc. To remove a CD from its s torage case,
press down on the center retention me chanism of the case and lif t the disc out.

Cleaning CDs

Use a dry, soft cloth to wipe off any ngerprints and dusts from the playing surfac e of the disc. Wipe in a straight
line radially from the center to the o utside edge of t he disc. Small dus t particles an d light stains wi ll not affect
playback quality.
Never use chemicals such as record s prays, anti-static spr ays, benzene, or thinners to cle an your CDs.
To reduce the risk of scratches, always put C Ds back in their case after u se.
Do not subject CDs to prolonged expo sure to direct sunlight, high hu midity, or high temperatures.
Do not place stickers or labels on eit her side of the CD.

Cleaning the CD Player Lens

A dirty lens can cause CD playback to skip. If the lens is very dirty, the CD may not work at all. Unplug the power
supply, open the CD door, and clean the lens as foll ows:
For Dust or Dry Particles - use a c amera lens brush/blow er to blow on the lens a few times. Th en, wipe
the lens gently with the brush, and blo w on the lens once more.
For Fingerprints - use a dry cott on swab to wipe the lens in a straig ht line radially from the cen ter to the
outside edge.