Page 27 Safety Notices
Important Safety Instruc tions
Read Instructions: All the safety and operating instruc-1. tions should be read before the product is operated.
Retain Instructions: The safety and operating instruc-2. tions should be retained for future reference.
Heed Warnings: All warnings on the product and in 3. the operating instructions should be adhered to.
Follow Instructions: All operating and usage instruc-4. tions should be followed.
Cleaning: Unplug this product from the wall outlet be -5. fore cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol
cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
Attachments: Use only attachments recommended by 6. the manufacturer. Use of other attachments may be
Water and Moisture: Do not use this product near 7. water (e.g., near a bath tub, washbowl, kitchen sink,
laundry tub, in wet basements, or near a swimming
pool and the like).
Ventilation: S lots and openings in the c abinet are 8. provided for ventilation to ensure reliable operation of
the product and to protect it from overheating. These
openings should never be blocked by placing the
product on a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar sur face.
This product should not be placed in a built-in installa-
tion such as a bookcase or rack unless proper ventila-
tion is provided or the manufacturer instructi ons have
been adhered to.
Power Sources: This product should be operated only 9. from the type of power source in dicated on the rating
label. If you are not sure of the type of power supply to
your home, consult your product dealer or local power
company. For products intended to oper ate from bat-
tery power or other sources, refer to the operating
Overloading: Do not overload wall outlets, extension 10. cords, or integral convenience receptacles as this can
result in a risk of re or electric shock.
Object and Liquid Entr y: Never push objects of any 11. kind into this product through openings as they may
touch dangerous voltage points or shout-out parts that
could result in a re or electric shock. Never spill liquid
of any kind on the product.
Servicing: Do not attempt to service this product your-12. self as opening or removing covers may expose you to
dangerous voltage or other haz ards. Refer all servic-
ing to qualied service personnel.
Damage Requiring Service: Unplug this product from 13.
the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualied ser vice
personnel under the following conditions: a) when the
power-supply or plug is damaged; b) if liquid has been
spilled or if objects have fallen into the product; c) if
the product has been exposed to rain or water; d) if