Page 6 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 7
Object and Liquid En try: Never pu sh objects of a ny kind into thi s product
through openings as they may to uch dangerous vol tage points or s hout-out
parts that could result in a re or electr ic shock. Never spill liqui d of any kind
on the product.
Servicing: Do not at tempt to service this product yourself as openin g or
removing covers m ay expose you to dangerous voltage o r other hazards.
Refer all servicing to qualied s ervice person nel.
Damage Requiring Service: Unplug this product fr om the wal l outlet an d
refer servicing to qualied ser vice personnel und er the following cond itions:
a) when the power-sup ply or plu g is damage d; b) if li quid has be en spilled
or if objects have fallen into the product; c) if the pr oduct has been expo sed
to rain or water; d) if the produ ct does not opera te normally by fol lowing the
operating instruct ions. Adju st only those controls that are covered by the
operating instructions as improper adj ustment of other controls may resu lt in
damage and will often require extensive wo rk by a qualied technicia n to re-
store the product to its normal opera tion; e) if the product has been dr opped
or damaged in any way; f) whe n the product ex hibits a distinct change in
performance—this ind icates a need for ser vice.
Replacement Par ts: Whe n replace ment par ts are required, be su re that
your service technician ha s used replaceme nt parts speci ed by the manu-
facturer or have the same chara cteristics as t he original par t. Unauthorized
substitutions may result in re, ele ctric shock, or oth er hazards.
Safety Check: Upon compl etion of any servic e or re pairs to this produ ct,
ask the service technician to per form safety che cks to ensure that the pro d-
uct is in proper operating condit ion.
Wall or Cei ling Mo unting: The pr oduct sh ould be mounted to a wall or
ceiling only as recommended by the m anufacturer.
Heat: The product should be s ituated away f rom heat so urces such as ra-
diators, heat registe rs, stoves, or other products (i ncluding amp liers) that
produce heat.
Important Safety Instr uctions