Page 34 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 35
Microsoft Windows
Double-click the “My Compu ter” icon on your
desktop and then double-click t he Player icon (MTP
Multimedia Player).
Your player contains two folders: Data and Media.
Drag your media les to the Media folder (e.g.,
MP3, WAV, WMA les).
Drag all other types of les to the Data folde r
for storage (e.g., TXT, DOC, XLS, etc). Data
les are only visible from a computer; the se
les will not be available from within the player
Macintosh oS x
Open a nder window. Located the les you would
like to transfer from your computer. Select the
les/folders with the mouse and pre ss APPLE-C
(copy) on the keyboard.
Click on the Removable Disk icon located on th e left
side of the nder window. The computer will display
all les and folders currently stored in the p layer.
Press APPLE-V (paste) on the keyboard to transfer
the les you selected in Step 1 to the player.
uSb Connections