Page 24 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 25
Radio Mode
Enter Radio Mode to listen to FM radio broadcasts.
You must have a pair of headphones connected to
the headphone jack to receive FM broadcas ts; your
player will utilize the headphone cord as an a ntenna.
basic fM Radio operat ion
Upon entering Radio mode, you can tune to statio ns
manually (MANUAL) or to preset stations (PRESE T).
You can set the Radio mode to MANUAL or PRES ET
mode in the Radio Settings menu. Plea se refer to the
section “Radio Settings Me nu” below for more
MANUAL: Press or to tune to stations
manually. To auto-seek to the next available broad-
cast station, press and hold or .
PRESET: Press or to tune to the next
Preset Station. You must save Preset Stations prior
to using this tuning method.
Radio Settings Me nu
To enter the Radio Settings menu, press while the player
is in Radio Mode.
Press to move the selection down; press to
move the selection up.
Press to conrm the selection.
Press to go back one level.