www.cobyusa.com Page 25
Listen to FM radio broad casts.
You must have a pair of h eadphones con nected
to the headphone jack to receive FM br oadcasts;
your player will utilize the hea dphone cord as an
Radio Tuning Controls
When you choose RADIO from the M ain menu, you will
see the Radio Tuning screen. You can search for sta-
tions, tune to stations manually, or tune to preset stations.
Change the tuning mo de between Preset and
Manual in the Quick Option menu.
You must save preset stations prio r to using pre-
set tuning mode. See the Quick Option Menu sec-
tion below for details.
The following functions may be perfo rmed from the Radio
Tuning screen.
Action Function
Tap or
Manual Mode: Tune to the next station
Preset Mode: Tune to the next preset station.
Hold or Manual Mode: Auto-seek to the next
available station.
Press the <VOL
UP> or <VOL
DOWN> button
To adjust the volume level
Radio Mode