Page 4 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 5
Read Instructions: All the safet y and operating instru ctions should be read
before the product is operated.
Retain Instruct ions: The safety and operati ng instruc tions shou ld be r e-
tained for future reference.
Heed Warnings: All warnings on the product and in the operating i nstruc-
tions should be adhered to.
Follow Instruct ions: Al l operati ng and usage instructions should be fo l-
Cleaning: Unplug this product fro m the wall o utlet before cleaning. Do not
use liquid cleaners or aerosol cl eaners. Use a damp clo th for cleaning.
Attachments: Use only attachments recommen ded by the manu facturer.
Use of other attachments may be haz ardous.
Water and Moisture: D o not use this p roduct near wat er (e.g., near a bat h
tub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laund ry tub, in wet basemen ts, or near a swim-
ming pool and the like).
Accessories: Do not place th is product on an
unstable cart, stand, t ripod, bra cket, or table.
Use only with car ts, stands, tripods, b rackets, or
tables recommended by the manufacture r or sold
with the product. Any mountin g of the produc t
should follow the manufacturer’s inst ructions and
should use a mounting accessory recommended
by the manufacturer.
A product and cart combinati on should be m oved
with care. Quic k stops, excessive force, and uneven
surfaces may cause the produc t and cart combina tion to overturn.
Ventilation: Slots and openings in the cabin et are provided for ventilatio n to
ensure reliable operat ion of the product and to protect it from ove rheating.
These openings should never be bl ocked by plac ing the pro duct on a b ed,
sofa, rug, or other simila r surfac e. This p roduct sho uld not b e placed in a
built-in installation such as a bookcase o r rack unle ss proper ventilation is
provided or the manufacturer inst ructions have been a dhered to.
Power Sources: This product should be operated only f rom the type of
power source indicated on th e rating label. If you are not sure of t he type of
power supply to your home, consult your produc t dealer or local power com -
pany. For products intended to operate from batter y power or other sources ,
refer to the operating instructi ons.
Grounding or Polarization: This product may be equipped with a polarize d
alternating-current line plug that has one blade wider than the other. This plug
will only t into the power outlet in one direction. This is a safety feature. If you
are unable to insert the plug fully into the outlet, try reversing the direction o f
the plug. If the plug should still fail to t, contact an electricia n to replace the
obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized plug.