Page 4 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 5
Power-Cord Protection: Power suppl y cords should be routed so that they
are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items pl aced upon or agains t
them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs, convenien ce receptacles,
and at the point which they exit from the p roduct.
Protective Att achment Plug: T he produc t may be eq uipped wi th an at-
tachment plug with ove rload p rotection. This is a safety feature. S ee the
operating instructio ns for r eplacement or directio ns to re set the protective
device. If replacement of the plug is requir ed, be sure the servic e technician
has used a replacement plug that ha s the same ove rload protec tion as the
original plug as specied by the ma nufacturer.
Outdoor Antenna Grounding : If an outside antenna is connecte d to th e
product, be sure the antenna system is ground ed so as to provide some
protection against voltage surges and built -up static cha rges. Articl e 810 of
the National El ectrical Code, A NS/NFPA 70 provides informatio n with re-
gard to proper grounding of the mast and sup porting struc ture, grounding of
the lead-in wire to an antenna-dis charge unit, size of grou nding conductors ,
location of antenna-discharg e unit, connection to groun ding electrodes, and
requirements for the grounding el ectrode (see gure).
Lightning: For added protection for this p roduct, unplug it from the wall
outlet and disconnect t he antenna or c able system dur ing a lightning storm
or when it is l eft unatten ded and unu sed for l ong periods of time. This will
prevent damage to the product due to ligh tning or power-line sur ges.
Power Lines: An outside antenna system should no t be located in the vicin-
ity of overhead power lines or other electric light or power circuits, or where it
can fall into such power lines or circuit s. When installing an ou tside antenna
system, extreme care shoul d be t aken to keep from touching such p ower
lines or circuits, as contact wi th them might be fatal.
Overloading: Do not overload wall outlet s, extension cords, or integ ral con-
venience receptacles as this c an result in a risk of re or e lectric shock.