Press the CTRL/CLEA R button to reset (cle ar) an input eld if you have made a mistake (e.g., a
Time Search eld).
Menu / Title
Press the MENU button during DVD playback to r eturn to the DVD’s Main menu.
Press the TITLE button during DVD playback to r eturn to the DVD’s Title menu.
Press SEARCH to go directly to a desired p oint of a disc (e.g., Title, Chapter, Time).
DVD Chapter/Title Searc h:
Press SEARCH once to display the Chapter/Title
Search Bar shown to the right.
Press the left/right NAVIGATION keys to select (hi ghlight) an entry eld.
Use the Numeric keypad to input the desired chapter/title number, or press the up/down
NAVIGATION keys to increase/decrease the chapter/title nu mber.
Press to conrm and execute the search or press SE ARCH to exit search mode.
DVD Time Search (within a speci ed title):
Press SEARCH twice to display the T ime Search
Bar shown to the right.
Use the Numeric keypad to input the desired time (ho urs, minutes, seconds).
Press Clear to cancel any input e rrors.
Press to conrm and execute the search or press SE ARCH to exit search mode.
CD Time Search:
Press SEARCH once to display the C D Time Sear ch Bar
shown to the right.
Use the Numeric keypad to input the desired time (ho urs, minutes, seconds).
Press Clear to cancel any input e rrors.
Press ENTER to conrm and execute the search or pr ess SEARCH to exit search mode.
Repeat Mode
Press REPEAT to change the repeat mode of the player. Each succes sive press of REPEAT will
change the mode as follows:
Some DVD discs do not allow
Repeat mode.




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0 03 30