Enter Setup mode to ad just the various int ernal settings of the player. Make sure t he player has
been completely stopped before entering S etup mode.
Press SETUP to enter Setup mode.
Use the Navigation Keypad to select a desired item.
Press ENTER to conrm a selection.
Press SETUP to exit Setup mode (or select EXIT an d press ENTER).
Language Setup
Use the Navigation Keypad to highlight the desired language selection and press ENTER to conrm.
Item Description Options (Default is in Bold)
OSD Sets the language of the player’s on-
screen display.
English, French, German, Italian,
Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish
Menu Sets the default menu language of
loaded DVDs.
English, Chinese, Japanese, French,
German, Italian, Spanish, Portu-
guese, Hindi, Thai, Russian, Korean,
Audio Sets the default language audio track
of loaded DVDs.
English, Chinese, Japanese, French,
German, Italian, Spanish, Portu-
guese, Hindi, Thai, Russian, Korean,
Subtitle Sets the default subtitle track of
loaded DVDs.
English, Chinese, Japanese, French,
German, Italian, Spanish, Portu-
guese, Hindi, Thai, Russian, Korean,
Screen Setup
Use the Navigation Keypad to highlight the desired screen selection and press ENTER to conrm.
Item Description Options (Default is in Bold)
TV Type Sets the aspect ratio of the display. 4:3 (PS), 4:3 (LB), 16:9
Screen Saver The screensaver prevents burn-in
damage to the player’s screen. On, Off
TV System
Sets the player’s Video Out signal
type. Set this to correspond with your
Brightness Select a preset screen brightness. Normal, Bright, Soft
Contrast Adjust the screen’s contrast. -4 to +4 (0 is default)