Multi-Angle/Su btitle/Audio
During playback of a DVD that has been mastered with multiple angles, press ANGLE to view
the available alternate camera angle s. (A DVD may have up to 9 selectable angles.)
During playback of a DVD that has been mastered with subtitles, press SUBTITLE to view the
available subtitle tracks. (A DVD may have up to 32 selec table subtitles.)
During playback of a DVD that has been mastered with alternate language/audio tracks, press
AUDIO to hear the alternate tracks. (A DVD may have up to 8 s electable audio tracks.)
During CD or MP3-CD p layback, press AUDIO to change betwe en stereo, left-chan-
nel, and right-channel audio (the defa ult setting is stereo).
Press ZOOM to change the magnicat ion level of the picture.
During DVD playback, each successive press of ZOOM will change the level of magnication
to: Zoom 2x, Zoom 4x, Normal.
During JPEG CD playback, each successive press of ZOOM will change the level of magni-
cation to: 25%, 50%, 100%, 150%, 200 %.
When the magnication level is greater than Norm al/100%, use the navigation keys (UP/DOWN/
LEFT/RIGHT) to pan around the magni ed picture.
Note: The picture quality will dec rease as the zoom level increases.
Enter Program mode to create a custom sequ ence of tracks to be played.
(Program mode is available only when the player is in NAVIGATE OFF mode. Press the PBC
button to set the player t o NAVIGATE OFF mode.)
You can also use the numeric keypad to enter numbers dire ctly in the elds. Use the navigation
keys to move between entry elds.
DVD Program Mode
Load a DVD and press PROGRAM .
Press the RIGHT n avigation key to select the
“Title” column; press the UP/DOWN navigation
keys to select a title.
Press RIGH T to select t he “Chapter” column;
press UP/DOWN to select a chapter.
Press ENTER to conrm the selection.
Repeat steps 2-4 until you have nis hed pro-
gramming your selections or when you have
programmed the maximum 20 trac ks.
Press PLAY to start playback. Press PRO -
GRAM to cancel.
Title Chapter