Press the Up /Down directi on button to select t he desired item, press the Left/R ight directio n button to
When the SCREEN is select ed, press the Left/ Right direction butt on to change the screen dim ension as
16:9 or 4:3.
When RESET is selected, press the ENTER button to con rm the Brightness,Contra st and Color settings
to the factory default set tings.
Press the LCD Mode button on ce to display the LCD menu.
Load a DVD and press the PROGR AM button.1.
Press the DIRECTION but tons to select the Title an d press the ENTER button to c onrm.2.
Press the 3. DIRECTION buttons to select the desired cha pter and press the ENTER but ton to conrm.
The programmed select ion will be listed in the lef t column.4.
Repeat steps 1- 3 until you have nished programming y our selections or when you have prog rammed 5.
the maximum 20 tracks.
Press the CLEAR/S TOP button to delete. 6.
Press the Play/Pause butto n to start playback. 7. Press PROGRAM to can cel.
DVD Program Mode