Replacement Parts: When repl acement parts are required, be sur e that your service techni-22.
cian has used replacement p arts specied by the manuf acturer or have the same c harac-
teristics as the o riginal part. Unaut horized substitutions may result in re, elec tric shock, or
other hazards.
Safety Check: Upon completion of any service or repairs to this product, ask the service tech-23.
nician to perform safet y checks to ensure that the product is i n proper operating conditio n.
Wall or Ceiling Mounting: The produc t should be mounted to a wall or ceiling only a s recom-24.
mended by the manufacturer.
Heat: The product should be si tuated away from heat sources such as r adiators, heat regis-25.
ters, stoves, or other products (in cluding ampliers) that produce he at.