To Set Up
•For outdoor use only.
•Never use inside house, camper, tent, vehicle or other unventilated or enclosed areas. This stove consumes air (oxygen). Do not use in unventilated or enclosed areas to avoid endangering your life.
■Close both burner valves firmly.
•Keep all connections and fittings clean. Inspect propane cylinder and stove propane connections for damage before attaching.
•During set up, check all connections and fittings for leaks using soapy water. Bubbles indicate a leak. Never use a flame.
NOTE: Use 16.4 oz disposable propane cylinders. The
■For outdoor use only.
■Unit includes base, 10 psi regulator, grate and four legs. Propane tank is not included.
■Press each leg onto the stove. The four locations are indicated by a slot in the case.
■Each leg covers one slot.
■Remove plastic cap from top of propane cylinder and screw propane cylinder into regulator hand tight.
■Screw regulator into stove hand tight.