Compaq Deskpro Workstation AP230
Standard Features – Custom Configuration Models
De skp ro Wor ks ta tion AP 230 - Fl ex ibl e So lutions Con figu red to Orde r
Order the Compaq Deskpro Workstation the way the customer wants it by selecting the processor, hard drive, memory, graphics controller, and more. Purchase directly from Compaq or a Compaq Authorized Agent. Configurable components and Options change frequently. Check the Compaq Product Bulletin or www.compaq.com for the latest options available from Compaq. Note: This Web site is available in English only.
Chip se t – Intel 8 15 E
Proc es sor and Sp eed | Intel Pentium III Processors | Standard L2 Cache | |
One of the following | 1.2GHz | Front Side Bus | 133 MHz |
| 1 GHz | Maximum Memory | 512MB |
| 933 MHz |
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Ha rd Dri ve |
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One of the following |
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Memor y |
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One of the following |
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Remo vab le S torag e |
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Opti ca l Sto rag e | 48X |
| 16X |
| 8X/4X/32X |
Ke yboard /Mou se | Easy Access Keyboard |
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Audio | Integrated Intel Audio with Premium Internal Speaker |
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Ne twor k Con trol le r | Integrated Intel PRO/100 VM Network Connection |
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| V.90 56K PCI Modem |
Graphi cs | Matrox G450 Dual Head |
One of the following: | ELSA Synergy II |
| NVIDIA Quadro2 EX |
| NVIDIA Quadro2 MXR |
Expan sion Slo ts | (Total/Available) |
| AGP | 1/ up to 1 depending on model |
| PCI | 5/ up to 4 depending on model |
Expan sion Capab ili ty | Memory Expansion Slots (DIMMS) | 3 DIMMS |
| Memory Type | SDRAM |
| Maximum Memory | 512MB |
Expan sion Bays | (Total/Available) | 5/2 |
| Internal | 2 |
| External | 3 |
North America — Version 6 — October 1, 2001 | 7 |