BIOS Overview
Checkpoint | POST Routine Description | |
Code | ||
| ||
| |
D6 | Control is in segment 0. To check <CTRL><HOME> key and verify main BIOS checksum. If either | |
| <CTRL><HOME> is pressed or main BIOS checksum is bad, go to check point E0 else go to check point D7. | |
| |
D7 | To pass control to Interface Module. | |
| |
D8 | Main BIOS runtime code is to be decompressed. | |
| |
D9 | Control to be passed to main BIOS in shadow RAM. Boot Block Recovery Code Check Points. | |
| |
E0 | OnBoard Floppy Controller (if any) is initialized. To start base 512K memory test. | |
| |
E1 | To initialize interrupt vector table. | |
| |
E2 | To initialize DMA and interrupt controllers. | |
| |
E6 | To enable floppy and timer IRQ, enable internal cache. | |
| |
ED | Initialize floppy drive. | |
| |
EE | Start looking for a diskette in drive A: and read 1st sector of the diskette. | |
| |
EF | Floppy read error. | |
| |
F0 | Start searching 'AMIBOOT.ROM' file in root directory. | |
| |
F1 | 'AMIBOOT.ROM' file not present in root directory. | |
| |
F2 | Start reading FAT table and analyze FAT to find the clusters occupied by 'AMIBOOT.ROM' file. | |
| |
F3 | Start reading 'AMIBOOT.ROM' file cluster by cluster. | |
| |
F4 | 'AMIBOOT.ROM' file not of proper size. | |
| |
F5 | Disable internal cache. | |
| |
FB | Detect Flash type present. | |
| |
FC | Erase Flash. | |
| |
FD | Program Flash. | |
| |
FF | Flash program successful. BIOS is going to restart. Runtime code is uncompressed in F000 shadow ram. | |
| |
03 | NMI is Disabled. To check soft | |
| |
05 | BIOS stack set. Going to disable Cache if any. | |
| |
06 | POST code to be uncompressed. | |
| |
07 | CPU init and CPU data area init to be done. | |
| |
08 | CMOS checksum calculation to be done next. | |
| |
0B | Any initialization before keyboard BAT to be done next. | |
| |
0C | KB controller I/B free. To issue the BAT command to keyboard controller. | |
| |
0E | Any initialization after KB controller BAT to be done next. | |
| |
0F | Keyboard command byte to be written. | |
| |
10 | Going to issue | |
| |
11 | Going to check pressing of <INS>, <END> key during | |
| |
12 | To init CMOS if "Init CMOS in every boot" is set or <END> key is pressed. Going to disable DMA and Interrupt | |
| controllers. | |
| |
13 | Video display is disabled and | |
| |
14 | 8254 timer test about to start. | |
| |
19 | About to start memory refresh test. | |
| |
1A | Memory Refresh line is toggling. Going to check 15us ON/OFF time. | |
| |
23 | To read 8042 input port and disable Megakey GreenPC feature. Make BIOS code segment writeable. | |
48 Evo D310 Micro Desktop