Users Guide 3
CD-ROM A compact disc with
read-only data. You cannot erase
or record over the data.
CD-RW A compact disc with
rewritable data. You can write to
the disc using a rewritable or
recordable CD drive.
chat An Internet feature that
allows you to exchange typed
messages with another person
(or a group of people) in real
time. A message you type
instantly displays on the other
person’s computer.
click To push down and quickly
release either the left or right
mouse button.
Ctrl+Alt+Delete Pressing and
holding down the Ctrl key, then
the Alt key, and then the Delete
key, simultaneously, to close a
program that is locked (not
responding). Use
Ctrl+Alt+Delete a second time
to shut down a computer that is
locked. Unsaved data is erased
from memory. When the
computer restarts, it displays an
error message that Windows was
not properly shut down, and it
scans the hard disk for errors.
cursor The blinking vertical
line on the screen that indicates
where the next character
displays when you type.
Ddata Information that can be
processed by a computer.
See also digital.
database A collection of
similar data that is designed for
easy retrieval of information.
dedicated line A telephone
line that is always connected to
the modem (inside the
computer) to provide constant
access to the Internet. A separate
telephone line is used for phone
calls. See also modem.
default The option that the
software automatically chooses
for you when you do not indicate
a choice yourself. For example,
when you print a document, the
Print dialog box asks which
pages to print (the default is All)
and how many copies to print
(the default is 1). You can
change the settings, and you can
designate the new settings as the