20 Users Guide
V.92 standard A standard
adopted in 2000 to improve the
V.90 standard in three ways:
reduced startup time (time
needed to establish connection),
new internet call-waiting feature
(letting you know that someone
is trying to call you without
losing the modem connection),
and increased maximum upload
speed (improved video
conferencing and general
video phone See Internet
virus A set of software
instructions written to harm
computers. A virus can cause
unusual messages to display on
the screen, destroy information
on the hard disk, or cause your
hard disk to crash. Some viruses
affect your computer
immediately; others are set to
activate on a certain date.
See also anti-virus software.
WWAV A file format used to store
sounds. WAV sound files can be
identified by the file extension
.wav. Microsoft and IBM
developed the format for
Windows programs that support
Web See World Wide Web.
Web brows er See browser.
window A framed area that
displays on the Windows
desktop after you select an item
or open a program.
Windows desktop The main
screen you see when your
computer completes startup. The
desktop displays icons (small
pictures) that represent items in
the operating system (such as
My Computer and Recycle Bin),
shortcuts to programs installed
on your computer, and shortcuts
to folders or files.
See also shortcut.