6Users Guide
Ffax modem A modem that
allows your computer to
transmit and receive faxes. The
fax modem can transmit
documents to fax machines and
other computers with fax
modems. It can broadcast a fax
to several sites at once. A
dual-purpose modem functions
as both a regular modem that
transmits files as attachments
and a fax modem that transmits
printed documents.
file extension A dot and two
or three letters after a file name
that indicate the program in
which the file was created. For
example, .doc indicates that
the file was created in
Microsoft Word.
floppy Low-capacity,
removable storage media made
of flexible plastic film encased
in a hard plastic shell. Since the
plastic film is flexible, the
3.5-inch diskette is often
referred to as a floppy diskette.
floppy drive The drive that
reads and writes to a diskette.
floppy disk See double-click.
folder Represented by an icon
that looks like a yellow manila
folder, a folder contains other
folders (subfolders) and files.
Both MS-DOS and early
versions of Microsoft Windows
used the term directory (and
subdirectories) for folder (and
Ggame port A connector on the
back of the computer for
plugging in a joystick.
See also joystick.
GIF Pronounced “giff.” A file
format for graphics displayed on
the Internet. It is easily identified
by the file extension .gif.
See also JPEG.
graphical interface
Communication between a
person and a computer by means
of images. With a pointing
device, such as a mouse, you
click an icon to tell the computer
what you want. See also icon.