wallOrobstructionfirstlookdownandbehind,and- thenfollowthesesteps:
a.Stepbackfrom the mowerto fully extandyour
b.Be sure you are well balancodwithsure footing.
c.Pullthe mower backslowly,no morethan half way towardyou.
d.Repeat thesesteps as needed.
Do not operatethe mowerwhileunderthe influenceof alcoholor drugs.
Do notengage the
The bladecontrolhandleis a safetydevice.Never attemptto bypass itsoperation.Doingso makes the safetydevice inoperativeand may resultin
personalinjurythroughcontactwiththe rotating blade.The bladecontrolhandlemustoperate
easily in bothdirectionsand automaticallyreturn to thedisengagedpositionwhen released. Never operatethe mower in wet grass.Alwaysbe sure ofyour footing. A slipand fall can cause sedouspersonalinjury. Keep a firm holdon the handleand walk, never run. Ifyou feel you are
bladewill stoprotatingwithinthree seconds. Mow onlyin daylightor goodartificiallight.
Stoptheblade whencrossinggraveldrives,walks or roads.
If the equipmentshouldstartto vibrate abnormally,stop the engine and check immediatelyfor the cause.Vibrationisgenerallya warningoftrouble.
Shutthe engine offand wait untilthe bladecomes to a completestop beforeremovingthe grass catcheror uncloggingthe chute.The cutting blade continues to rotatefor a few seconds alter
the engine isshut off. Never place anypart ofthe bodyin the bladearea untilyou are surethe blade has stoppedrotating.
Never operatemower withoutproperguards, grasscatcher,plates or othersafety protective devicesin place.
Mufflerand engine become hotand can cause a bum. Do not touch.
Do not adjustthe throttlecontrolwiththe engine running.
Only useaccessories approvedfor this machine bythe manufacturer.Read, understand,and follow all instructionsprovidedwiththe approved
If situationsoccurwhichare notcoveredin this manual, usecare and goodjudgment.Contact yourdealer for assistance.
Slope Operation
Foryoursafety,usethe slopegaugeincludedas part of thismanualtomeasure slopesbeforeoperatingthisuniton a slopeor hillyarea. If the slopeisgreaterthan15 degrees
as shownon theelopegauge(page6), do notoperatethis uniton thatareaor seriousinjurycouldresult.
Mow acrossthe face of slopes;never up and down.Exercise extremecaution when changing directionon slopes.
Watchfor holes,ruts,hiddenobjects,or bumps. Taggrass can hideobstacles.
Alwaysbe sure of yourfooting. A slipand fall can cause seriouspersonalinjury. (fyou feel you are losingyourbalance release the blade control handleimmediatelyand the bladewill stop in less than3 seconds.
ON MODELS WiTH CASTER WHEELS: Lock bothfront wheels so they do not pivotwhile mowingon theface of slopes. To turnthe mower, depressthe handleand raise the front wheels s(ightiy.
Do not mownear
embankments.The operatorcouldlose footingor balance.
Do not mow slopesgreaterthan 15 degrees as shownon the slopegauge.
Do not mowon wet grass. Reducedfooting could causeslipping.
ON MOWERS WITH CASTER WHEELS: Do Not mow on slopeswithcasters unlockedsincethe mowerhas a tendencyto driftdown hill.
Tragicaccidentscan occurifthe operatoris notalerttothe
presence ofchildrenChildren. are oftenattractedto the
mowerandthe mowingactivity.Neverassumethat childrenwillremainwhereyoulastsaw them.
•Keepchildrenoutof the mowingarea and under the watchfulcare of a responsibleadultotherthan the operator.
•Be alert and turnmower off ifa childenters the area.
Beforeand whilemovingrpackwards,lookbehind and downfor small childrenor otherobjects.
Never allowchildrenunderage 14 to operate the mower. Children14 years of age and above
shouldread and understandthe operation instructionsand safety rules in this manual. Use extremecare when approachingblind corners,shrubs,trees, or otherobjectsthat may obssureyourvisionof a child or hazard.
Use extremecare in handlinggasolineand other fuels.They are extremelyflammableand the vaporsare explosive.
Use onlyan approvedgasolinecontainer. Never removegas cap or add fuel while the engine is running. Allowengine to coolat least two minutesbeforerefueling.