•Replace gasolinecap securelyand wipe off any spilledgasolinebeforestartingthe engineas it may cause a fire or explosion.
Extinguish all cigarettes,cigars, pipesand other sourcesof ignition.
•Never refuelmachineindoorsbecauseflammable vaporswillaccumulatein the area.
•Never store the machineor fuel containerinside where there is an open flame or spark suchas a gas water heater,space heater, or furnace.
Never runan engine inside a closedarea.
•To reducefire hazard,keep mowerfree of grass,
leaves, or other
minutesbefore storing.
•Beforecleaning, repairing,or inspecting,make certainthe blade and all movingpartshave stopped.Disconnectthe spark plug wire,and keep the wire away from the sparkplugto prevent accidentalstarting.
Checkthe blade and engine mountingboltsat frequent intervalsfor propertightness.Also, visuallyinspectbladefor damage (e.g., bent, cracked or worn). Replace with bladewhich meets originalequipmentspecificationslistedin th_smanual.
•Keep all nuts,bolts, and screwstightto be sure the equipmentisin safe workingcondition.
•Never tamperwith safety devices.Check their properoperationregularly.
Afterstdkinga foreignobject, stopthe engine, removethe wire from the spark plug,and thoroughlyinspectthe mower for anydamage.
Repair the damage before startingandoperating the mower.
Never attemptto make a wheel or cuttingheight adjustmentwhilethe engine is running.
Grass catchercomponents are subjectto wear, damage and deterioration,whichcould expose movingpartsor allowobjectsto be thrown.For safety protection,frequentlycheckcomponents and replacewith manufacturer'srecommended parts,when necessary.
Mower bladesare sharpand can cut. Wrapthe blade(s) or wear gloves, and use extracaution when servicingthem.
Do not changethe enginegovernorsettingor overspeedthe engine. Excessiveenginespeeds are dangerous.
Restrictthe use ofthis powermachineto personswho read,understandandfollowthe warningsand instructionsinthis manualand on the machine.
Following are representations of the safety labels on your lawn mower. Maintain safety while operating the mower.
Please have the part number ready when