1. Do not pu t hands and feet near rotating parts or in the fe eding chambers
and discharge opening. Contact wi th the rotating impeller can amputate
fingers, hands, and feet.
2. Before s tarting the machine, make sure the chip per chute, feed intake, and
cutting chamber are empty and free of a ll debris.
3. Thor oughly inspect all material to be shredde d and remove any metal,
rocks, bottles, cans, or other foreign o bjects which could cause person al
injury or damage to the machine.
4. If the i mpeller strikes a foreign object or if your mac hine should start
making an unusual noise or vibration, imm ediately shut the engine off.
Allow the impeller to come to a complete sto p. Disconnect the spark plug
wire, ground it against the engine and per form the following steps:
a. Ins pect for damage.
b. Rep air or replace any damaged parts.
c. Check for any loose parts and tighten to a ssure continued safe opera-
5. Do not al low an accumulation of processed materi al to build up in the
discharge area. This can prevent proper dis charge and result in kickback
of material through the feed opening.
6. Do not at tempt to shred or chip material larger than sp ecified on the
machine or in this manual. Personal injur y or machine damage could
7. Never atte mpt to unclog either the feed intake or disc harge opening while
the engine is running. Shut the engine of f, wait until all moving parts have
stopped, disconnect the spark pl ug wire and ground it against the engine
before clearing debris.
8. Never oper ate without vacuum bag and discharge chute p roperly attached
to the machine. Never empty or change vacuum bag wh ile the engine is
running. Zippered end of vacuum bag must be kept c losed at all times
during operation.
9. Never oper ate without either the inlet nozzle or optio nal hose attachment
properly attached to the machine. Never at tempt to attach or change either
attachment while the engine is runn ing.
10. Keep all guards, deflectors and safety device s in place and operating
11. Keep your face and body back and to the side of the chipp er chute while
feeding material into the machine to avoid acci dental kickback injuries.
12. Never operate this machine without good visib ility or light. Always be sure
of your footing and keep a firm hold on the handles.
13. Do not operate this machine on a gravel surface.
14. Do not operate this machine while under the influ ence of alcohol or drugs.
15. Muffler and engine become hot and can caus e a burn. Do not touch.
16. Never pick up or carry machine while the engin e is running.
Maintenance & Storage
1. Never tam per with safety devices. Check their pro per operation regularly.
2. Chec k bolts and screws for proper tightness at fre quent intervals to keep
the machine in safe working condition . Also, visually inspect machine for
any damage and repair, if needed.
3. Before c leaning, repairing, or inspecting , stop the engine and make certain
the impeller and all moving parts have stopp ed. Disconnect the spark plug
wire and ground it against the engine to prevent uni ntended starting.
4. Do not c hange the engine governor settings or overs peed the engine. The
governor controls the maximum safe operat ing speed of the engine.
5. Main tain or replace safety and instructi on labels, as necessary.
6. Follow t his manual for safe loading, unloading, trans porting, and storage
of this machine.
7. Never store t he machine or fuel container inside wher e there is an open
flame, spark or pilot light such as a water heater, furnace, clot hes dryer,
8. Always refer to t he operator’s manual for proper instructio ns on off-season
9. If the f uel tank has to be drained, do this outdoor s.
10. Observe proper disposal laws and regulatio ns for gas, oil, etc. to protect
the environment.

Do not modify engine

To avoid serious injury or death, do not modify engine in any way. Tampering
with the governor setting can lead to a runaway engine and cause it to operate
at unsafe speeds. Never tamper with factory setting of engine governor.

Notice regarding Emissions

Engines which are certified to comply with California and federal EPA emission
regulations for SORE (Small Off Road Equipment) are certified to operate on
regular unleaded gasoline, and may include the following emission control sys-
tems: Engine Modification (EM) and Three Way Catalyst (TWC) if so equipped.

Your Responsibility

Restrict the use of this power machine to persons who read, understand and
follow the warnings and instructions in this manual and on the machine.