Yourdrill'sbatterypackisequippedwith6 nickel- cadmiumrechargeablebatteriesLengthofservice. fromeachchargingwilldependonthetypeofwork youaredoing.
Thebatteriesinthistoolhavebeendesignedto providemaximumtroublefree life. However, like all
batteries, they will eventually wear out. Do not disassemble battery pack and attempt to replace the batteries. Handling of these batteries, especially when
weadng rings and jewelry, could result in a serious burn.
To preserve natural resources, please recycle or dispose of expired battery pack properly.
This product contains
To obtain the longest possible battery life, we suggest the following:
•Store and charge your batteries in a cool area. Temperatures above normal room temperature will shorten battery life.
•Never store batteries in a discharged condition. Recharge them immediately after they are discharged.
•All batteries gradually lose their charge. The higher the temperature the quicker they lose their charge. If you store your tool for long periods of time without using it, recharge the batteries every month or two. This practice will prolong battery.
WARNING: Upon removal, cover the battery pack'sterminals with heavy duty adhesive tape. Do not attempt to destroy or disassemble battery pack or remove any of its components. Nickel- cadmium batteries must be recycled or disposed of properly. Also, never touch both terminals with metal objects and/or body parts as short circuit may result. Keep away from children. Failure to comply with these warnings could result in fire and/or serious injury.