| Followthe maintenanceschedulegivenbelow.Thischartdescribes | |
Beforeperforminganytypeofmaintenance/service,disengageall | serviceguidelinesonly. Usethe ServiceLogcolumnto keeptrackof | ||||
completedmaintenancetasks.To locate the nearest Sears Service | |||||
controlsandstoptheengineWaituntilallmovingpartshavecometo. | |||||
Centeror to scheduleservice,simplycontactSears at | |||||
acompletestop.Disconnectsparkplugwireandgrounditagainstthe | |||||
| ||||
enginetopreventunintendedstarting. |
| ||||
| ||||
EachUse | . | Engineoillevel | 1. | Check | |
| 2. | Looseormissinghardware | 2. | Tightenor replace | |
| 3. | Unitandengine. | 3. | Clean | |
1st5 hours | 1. | Engineoil | 1. | Change | |
Annuallyor 25hours | 1. | Aircleanert | 1. | Clean | |
| 2. | Controllinkages/pivotsandwheels | 2. | Lubewithlight oil | |
| 3. | Undersided mowerdeck | 3. | Clean | |
Annuallyor 50hours | 1. | Engineoil | 1. | Change | |
Annually | 1. | Sparkplug | 1. | Replace | |
| 2. | AirCleaner | 2. | Replace | |
BeforeStorage | 1. | Fuelsystem | 1. | Runengineuntil itstopsfromlackof | |
| fuel,oraddstabilizerto a full tankof | |
| freshfuel priorto storage. |
Cleanmoreoftenunderdustyconditionsor whenairbornedebrisis )resent.Replaceaircleanerifverydirty.