GAS AND OiL | f | "_ |
IMPORTANT:Thisunit isshippedwithoutgasolineoroil inthe engine. Becertainto serviceenginewithgasolineandoilas instructedinthis sectionbeforestartingor runningyourmachine.
Oil (one 18 ounce bottle shipped with unit)
FirstTime Use
1.Removeoil fill dipstick(G). SeeFigure10.
2.Withthe moweron levelground,emptyentirecontentsof oil bottle providedintothe engineoil fill (H).
3.Replaceoil fill dipstickandtighten.
Subsequent Uses
Outdoortemperaturesdeterminethe properoilviscosityfor the engine. Usethechartto selectthe bestviscosityfor the outdoortemperature rangeexpected.
| 40 |
| 30 |
16so4s6 o** | " 2 | 20 |
| ||
| ¸ | 10 |
* Below40°F(4°C)the use of SAE30 will resultin hardstarting. **Above80°F(27°C)the use of
1.Checkthe oil withthe enginestoppedand level.
2.Removethe oil fill dipstickandwipeit clean.
3.Insertandtightenthe oilfill dipstick.Removeit to checkthe oil level.SeeFigure10.
4.Ifthe oil levelis nearor belowthe lowerlimitmarkonthe dipstick, removethe oil fill dipstick,andfill withthe recommendedoil to the upperlimitmark(J). Do notoverfill.
5.Reinstallthe oilfill dipstick.
Do notuse unapprovedgasolines,suchas E85.Do not mixoil in
I gasolineor modifyengineto runonalternatefuels.Thiswill damage _theenginecomponentsandvoid the engine warranty.
Fuelmustmeet these requirements:
•A minimumof 87 octane/87AKI (91RON).
•Gasolinewith upto 10%ethanol(gasohol)or upto 15%MTBE (methyltertiarybutylether)is acceptable.
Gasolineis highlyflammableandexplosive,andyoucan be burnedor seriouslyinjuredwhenrefueling.Stopengineand keep heat,sparks,and flameaway.Refuelonly outdoors.Wipe upspills
Ifyourequipmentwill be usedonan infrequentorintermittentbasis, pleasereferto the Off SeasonStoragesectionfor additionalinforma- tion regardingfuel deterioration.
NOTE:Fuelcandamagepaintand sometypesof plastic.Becareful notto spill fuelwhenfilling yourfueltank.
Neverusestaleorcontaminatedgasolineoroil/gasolinemixture. Avoidgettingdirt orwaterin the fueltank.
1.Removethe fuel tankcap.
2.Fillthe fuel tankwithfuel. To allowforexpansionof the fuel,do notfill abovethe bottomof the fuel tankneck.Do notoverfill. Wipe upspilledfuel beforestartingtheengine.
3.Installthe fuel tankcapandtightenit until it clicks.
4.Movelawnmowerat least10feet awayfromthe fuel container/ sourceandsitebeforestartingthe engine.
Besurenooneotherthan theoperatoris standingnearthe lawn mowerwhilestartingengineoroperatingmower.Neverrunengine indoorsorin enclosed,poorlyventilatedareas. Engineexhaust containscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessanddeadlygas. Keephands,
feet, hairand looseclothingawayfromany movingpartson engine andlawn mower.