| |
Lossofpower | 1. Cuttingtoomuchgrass/too1. | Set in "Higher Cut" position/ | |
| fast. |
| reduce speed. |
| 2. Throttlein=CHOKE" | 2. | Adjust throttle control. |
4.Dirty air filter.
5.Low oil level/dirty oil.
6.Faulty spark plug.
3.Clean underside of mower housing.
4.Clean/replace air filter.
5.Check oil level/change oil.
6.Clean and regap or change spark plug.
7.Dirty fuel filter,
8.Stale or dirtyfuel.
9.Water in fuel.
10.Spark plug wire loose.
7.Replace fuel filter.
8.Drain fuel tank and refill witt
fresh gasoline.
9, Drain fuel tank and carbure- tor, refill tank with fresh
gasoline and replace fuel filter.
10.Connect and tighten spark plug wire.
11. Dirty engine air screen/fins. | 11.Clean engine air screen/fins |
12. Dirty/clogged muffler, | 12. Clean/replace muffler. |
13.Loose or damaged widng+ 13.Check all widng. | |
14.Carburetor out of | 14. See "To Adjust Carburetor" |
adjustment. | in Service Adjustments |
| section. |
15.Engine valves out of adjustment.
Excessive 1. Worn. bent or loose blade.
2.Bent blade mandrel.
3.Loose/damaged part(s).
Enginecontinues1. Faulty
torunpresence control system.
whenoperator leavesseat withattachment clutchengaged
15.Contact a Sears or other qualified service center.
1.Replace blade. Tighten blade bolt.
2.Replace blade mandrel.
3.Tighten loose part(s). Replace damaged parts.
1.Check wiring, switches and connections. If not corrected, contact a
Sears or other qualified service center.
1.Replace blade. Tighten blade bolt.
2.Mower deck not level.
3.Buildup of grass, leaves. and trash under mower.
4.Bent blade mandrel.
5.Clogged mower deck vent holes from buildup of
grass, leaves, and trash around mandrels.
2.Level mower deck.
3.Clean underside of mower housing.
4.Replace blade mandrel.
5.Clean around mandrels to open vent holes.