Nuncarepostarla maquinaal interiorde un local.

Nuncaguardarla maquinaoel contenedor degasolinadondehayunallamaabierta, chispao luzpilotocomounacalderau otros dispositivos.

NuncaIlenarcontenedoresen unvehiculo, en uncami6no caravanaconunforrode plastico.Colocarsiempreloscontenedores

en elsuelolejosdesuvehiculoantesde Ilenar.

Quitarequiposquefuncionancongasolina delcami6nocaravanay repostarenel suelo. Siestonoesposible,repostardichoequipo conuncontenedorportatil,masbienquecon unatoberadegasolina.

Mantenerlatoberaencontactoconel bordo deldepdsitodecarburanteo de laapertura delcontenedorsiemprehastaterminarel abastecimientoNousarun. dispositivode cierre-aperturadela tobera.

Siel carburantecaeenla ropaqueseIleva, cambiarselainmediatamente.

NuncaIlenarenexcesoel depdsitode carburanteColocareltapdnde. lagasolinay apretardemodoseguro.


Nuncahagafuncionarunamaquinadentro de unareacerrada.

Nuncahagaajusteso reparacionesmientras el motoresteenmarchaDesconecteel.

cabledela bujia,y mantengalo cierta distanciadeestaparaprevenirunarranque accidental.

*Mantengalastuercasy lospernos,espe- cialmentelospernosdelaccesoriode la cuchilla,apretadosy mantengael equipoen buenascondiciones.

*Nuncamanipuledeformaindebidalos dispositivosdeseguridadControleregular.- mentesufuncionamientocorrecto.

*Mantengala maquinalibrede hierba,hojas u otrasacumulacionesdedesperdicio.

Limpielosderramesdeaceiteocombustible. Permitaquela maquinaseenfrieantesde almacenarla.

*Paree inspeccioneelequiposi le pegaa un objeto.Reparelo,si esnecesario,antesde hacerloarrancar.

*EnningQncasohayqueregularla alturade lasruedasmientrasel motorestaen marcha.

*Loscomponentesdelreceptordela hierba vansujetosa desgaste,da_osy deterioro, quepuedenexponerlaspartesen mov- imientoo permitirqueobjetosseandispara- dos.Controlarfrecuentementey cuandosea necesariosustituirconpartesaconsejadas potelfabricante.

*Lascuchillasdela segadoraestanafiladas y puedencortar.CubrirlashojasoIlevar guantes,y utilizarprecaucionesespeciales cuandoseefectQamantenimientosobrelas mismas.

*Nocambieel ajustedelreguladordelmotor ni excedasuvelocidad.

*Mantenero sustituirlasetiquetasde seguridad instrucciones,cuandosea necesario.

_I, ADVERTENClA: Este segadora viene equipado con un motor de combusti6n interna y no se debe usar sobre, o cerca, de un terreno no desarrollado cubierto de bosques, de arbustos o de cesped, o menos que el sistema de escape del motor venga equipado con un amortiguador de chispas que cumpla con las leyes locales o estatales (si existen). Si se usa un amortiguador de chispas, el operador debe mantenerlo en condiciones de trabajo eficientes.

En el estado de California, la ley exige Io anterior (Secci6n 4442 del "California Public Re- sources Code"). Otros estados pueden contar con otras leyes parecidas. Las leyes federales se aplican en la tierras federales. Su centro de Servicio mas cercano tiene disponible amor- tiguadores de chispas para el silenciador (Vea la secci6n de PARTES DE REPUESTO en el manual Ingles del due_o).

NOmero de Serie:









de Compra:








y Tipo



1.6 Cuartos


sin PIomo)

Tipo de Aceite (API SG-SL):



(Sobre 32°F);

SAE 5W-30 (Debajo 32°F)


de Aceite:


20 Onzas














la Cuchilla:





El nQmero del nodelo y el de serie se encuentran en la calcomania adjunta a la parte trasera de la caja de la segadora. Debe registrar tanto el nQmero de serie come la fecha de compra y mantengalos en un lugar seguro para refencia en el futuro.


Page 22
Image 22
Craftsman 917.376402 owner manual Sae, RJ19HX

917.376402 specifications

The Craftsman 917.376402 is a noteworthy lawn mower that combines efficiency, robust construction, and user-friendly features for homeowners seeking a reliable solution for lawn care. Positioned within the Craftsman lineup, it stands out due to its blend of performance-oriented technologies and ergonomic design.

One of the main features of the Craftsman 917.376402 is its powerful engine. This model is typically equipped with a reliable Briggs & Stratton engine, providing ample horsepower to tackle various grass types and conditions. With its consistent performance, the engine ensures smooth operation, allowing users to mow through challenging terrains while maintaining a neat lawn.

Designed for versatility, the 917.376402 is a self-propelled mower, which simplifies the mowing process on inclines and uneven surfaces. The drive system allows for adjustable speed settings, enabling operators to control their pace according to their preferences or lawn conditions. This feature is particularly beneficial for those with larger yards or hilly landscapes.

Another standout characteristic is the cutting deck of the Craftsman 917.376402. It typically features a wide cutting width, often around 21 inches, which significantly reduces mowing time. The deck is engineered with multi-height adjustments, allowing users to customize their cutting heights based on varying grass types and desired aesthetics. Additionally, the mower's design promotes efficient grass dispersal, whether through side discharge, mulching, or bagging options, adding convenience to yard maintenance.

Safety is also a key consideration in the design of this mower. The Craftsman 917.376402 is commonly equipped with features such as a blade brake that stops the blades quickly when the handle is released, ensuring operator safety during operation. The comfortable grip of the handlebar enhances maneuverability and reduces fatigue during extended mowing sessions.

Moreover, the Craftsman brand is known for its commitment to durability. The 917.376402 is built with sturdy materials, ensuring longevity even with regular use. The mower's wheels are designed for stability and traction, providing a reliable grip on various terrains.

In summary, the Craftsman 917.376402 stands out as a robust and efficient lawn mower, perfect for homeowners looking to achieve a well-maintained lawn. With its powerful engine, self-propelled feature, adjustable cutting heights, and user-friendly safety mechanisms, it is crafted to deliver an exceptional mowing experience.