Testing the

Installation in

Windows XP
1.Click Start ->Control Panel.2.Click the Phone and Modem Options icon. The dialog box in Figure 3-7 appears.

3.Click the Modems tab.

Figure 3-7: Phone and Modem

Options dialog box.

4.Click Creative Modem Blaster V.92 DE5773, then click the Properties button. The Creative Modem Blaster V.92 DE5773 Properties dialog box in Figure 3-8 appears.

5.Click the Diagnostics tab.

6.Click the Query Modem button (Figure 3-8) to display the response status of your modem.

If your modem is not responding, it may be due to a conflict between the modem and another peripheral device. To resolve the conflict, you must change the settings on your modem (see “Resolving Hardware Conflicts” on page B-2)

Figure 3-8: Creative Modem Blaster

V.92 DE5773 Properties dialog box

Testing your Modem 3-4