General Specifications

Data Features

This appendix lists your modem’s general specifications.

Integrated data, fax, and voice mail modem

56,000/54,667/53,333/52,000/50,667/49,333/48,000/46,667/45,333/42,667/41,333/40,000/38,667/ 37,333/36,000/34,667/33,600/31,200/28,800/26,400/24,000/21,600/19,200/16,800/14,400/ 12,000/ 9,600/7,200/4,800/2,400/1,200/300 bps data speeds

Compatibility with the following data modem standards:

V.92, V.90, V.34, V.32bis, V.32, V.23, V.22bis, V.22, and V.21; Bell 212A and 103.

V.42 LAPM and MNP2-4 error correction.

V.44, V.42bis and MNP5 data compression.

Compression, line control, and error control are implemented in hardware. Therefore, no special drivers or libraries are needed to take advantage of the higher speeds and data reliability.

Automatic dial and answer capabilities.

General Specifications A-1