Poor sound quality when using communications software.

Some 32-bit sound and communications software require a Unimodem V file. Windows 95 normally installs this file. However, in some installations, the file is missing.

Follow these steps to install the Unimodem V file:

1.Go to www.modemblaster.com.

2.Locate the Download Drivers section.

3.Select your region and operating system.

4.Download the Unimodem V file.

5.Start Windows Explorer.

6.Copy the file UNIMODV.EXE to your Windows\System directory.

7.Locate and double-click the file UNIMODV.EXE to run it.

8.Restart your computer.

No dial tone when using the modem.

The IRQ of the modem is either in conflict with another device or is mis-reported in Windows.

To solve this problem:

Many chipsets have IRQ routing drivers for Windows. If you have an internal modem, and these drivers do not work or do not exist on your system, changing the slot of the modem card may help.

Troubleshooting B-3