In FOH mode, the subgroups and main buses are controlled by the respective 100mm fader. By pressing the fader reverse switch on the subgroups or main buses, the fader controls the Aux outputs for use in Monitor console applications. In this mode, not only does the user have fader control on the Aux outputs but VCA control over the Aux masters as well.
Included on each subgroup and main bus master is a full dynamics section including a compressor, limiter and downward expander/gate for processing of
Each group pair can be stereo linked for Stereo processing and can also be routed in stereo pairs to Auxes for processing monitor mixes.
The Scene Controller microprocessor based mute and VCA assignment system comes standard on all models. The Scene Controller allows easy editing for mute and VCA assignment automation via a “soft mute assignment, providing 8 manual mute groups or scenes, 128 sequenced mute and VCA assignment scenes that can be controlled locally via MIDI and via RS485 devices. The Scene Controller settings can be saved via a Jump drive with via the USB interface underneath the armrest. The USB interface also has hooks to connect
a PC to program and control the Scene Controller via Crest Audio’s NexSys® computer controlled audio systems hardware.
3 levels of SOLO are provided on all models. Inputs can be monitored all in AFL or In PFL. The input priority switch not only clears an output being soloed when selecting an input but also allows
Separate stereo Monitors outputs are standard on all CV™ models. Level control of the monitor output is via a separate High quality 100mm fader. The monitor output source can be selected from either the main/group buses or external input. A separate Headphone level is also provided. The Headphone output is found underneath the armrest.
An alternate output is also provided on al CV models that can be sourced from the main buses or any of the 4 Matrices. This can be used to send the mix to any other location whether it is a recorder, broadcast, or assisted listening devices.
CV 20