Crestron ST-TUNE Integrated AM/FM/TV Tuner
Operations Guide - DOC. 5833A Integrated AM/FM/TV Tuner: ST-TUNE •• 11
1. Attach one of the ST-TUNEs to the control system (verify that the
software is running).
2. From the SIMPL Windows or VT Pro-e menu, select Tools | Viewport
to open the Crestron Viewport.
3. From the Viewport menu, select Functions | Set Network ID. The
software checks the baud rate and then opens the “Set Network ID”
dialog box.
4. In the “Set Network ID” dialog box, select the ST-TUNE from the
Current Network Devices text window.
5. From the Choose the new network ID for the selected device (Hex): text
box, select the new Net ID for the ST-TUNE.
6. Click Set ID to initiate the change. This will display the “ID command
has been sent” dialog box.
7. In the “Command Complete” dialog box, click OK.
8. In the Current Network Devices text window, verify the NET ID code.
9. In the “Set Network ID” dialog box, click Close.
NOTE: The new NET ID code may also be verified by selecting Diagnostics |
Report Network Devices in the Viewport (alternatively, depress F4).
10. Repeat this procedure for each ST-TUNE to be added to the Cresnet
Firmware Upgrade
To upgrade the firmware of a ST-TUNE, a local PC that contains the Crestron
Viewport (available in SIMPL Windows or VT Pro-e) is required. To connect the PC
to the control system, refer to the “Obtaining Communications” section of the
Operators Guide supplied with the appropriate control system. The latest version of
the Operations Guides can be obtained from the Products page (PRODUCT
MANUALS, Hardware section) or Downloads page (MANUAL Library) of
Crestron’s website (www.crestron.com). New users are required to register in order
to obtain access to the FTP site.
Firmware upgrade files are obtained from the What’s New page (Other Products
section) or the Downloads page (UPGRADES Library, search for RADIOFIX.EXE)
of Crestron’s website.
To upgrade ST-TUNE firmware, complete the following steps.
1. Make sure that no programs accessing the COM port of the PC.
2. At the PC, start SIMPL Windows or VT Pro-e.
3. From the SIMPL Windows or VT Pro-e menu bar, select Tools |
Viewport to open the Crestron Viewport.
NOTE: SIMPL Windows may open with an opening splash screen and may display
the “What do you want to do?” dialog box. If so, close the dialog box and continue.
4. Refer to diagram on the next page. From the Viewport menu, select
Setup | Communications settings (alternatively, depress Alt+D) to
open the Port Settings dialog box.