Integrated AM/FM/TV Tuner Crestron ST-TUNE
24 •• Integrated AM/FM/TV Tuner: ST-TUNE Operations Guide - DOC. 5833A
Further Inquiries
If after reviewing this Operations Guide, you cannot locate specific information or
have questions, please take advantage of Crestron's award winning customer service
team by calling:
• In the US and Canada, call Crestron’s corporate headquarters at
1-888-CRESTRON [1-888-273-7876] or 1-201-767-3400.
• In Europe, call Crestron International at +32-15-50-99-50.
• In Asia, call Crestron Asia at +852-2341-2016.
• In Latin America, call Crestron Latin America at +525-260-4336.
For local support from exclusive Crestron factory-trained personnel call:
• In Australia, call Soundcorp at +613-9488-1555.
• In New Zealand, call Amber Technologies at +649-410-8382.
Future Updates
As Crestron improves functions, adds new features, and extends the capabilities of
the ST-TUNE, additional information and programming examples may be made
available as manual updates. These updates are solely electronic and serve as
intermediary supplements prior to the release of a complete technical documentation
The Downloads page of the Crestron website (www.crestron.com) directs the reader
to the location and description of each update. Check the site periodically for update
availability and its subjective value.
Future Firmware Upgrades
As Crestron improves functions, adds new features, and extends the capabilities of
the ST-TUNE, firmware upgrades may be made available. The upgrade files can be
obtained from the What’s New page (Other Products section) or the Downloads page
(UPGRADES Library) of Crestron’s website. New users are required to register in
order to obtain access to the FTP site.