Raspberry Sauce
Use this sauce as a component to a variety of
desserts, from ice cream to cheesecake to chocolate,
it complements all very nicely.
Makes 1¼ cups
1bag (12 ounces) frozen raspberries, thawed
¼ cup granulated sugar Pinch kosher salt Pinch orange zest
1.Place all ingredients into the blender jar.
2.Blend on High for 15 seconds.
3.Pass through a fine mesh strainer to remove all of the raspberry seeds.
4.Taste and adjust seasoning accordingly.
Raspberry sauce will keep refrigerated for about 1 week to 10 days.
Nutritional information per serving (2 tablespoons)
Calories 34 (0% from fat) • carb. 9g • pro. 0g • fat 0g
• sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 0mg • calc. 5mg • fiber 1g