PowerPanel® Business Edition
Copyright © 2006-2007 Cyber Power Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 23
• Shutdown Sequence:
o Initiate a shutdown sequence for this event: If you enable this
option, the Battery Backup will initiate a shutdown sequence when the
event occurs.
Initiate a shutdown sequence when this event occurs for
a specific time: Sets the delay time to initiate the shutdown
sequence. (0 means immediately)
Note: These functions may not be available on all models
If you want to apply one event setting to other events, you will need to open wild apply mode by click top-right icon. • this event: Apply the setting to this event. This is default setting.
• severity events: Apply the setting to same severity level events. It may be
information, warning, or severe level.
• all events: Apply the setting to all events.
Configure Overall Action Settings
The Action Settings page allows you to configure detailed settings such as OS Shutdown, E-mail, E-mail Receivers and Notification Receivers for some actions. • Shutdown
o The approximate time for OS shutdown to complete: Sets the
estimated shutdown time of the OS. The time is used by the Battery
Backup to delay shutdown Battery Backup itself.
o The shutdown type is: Sets which shutdown type you want to use.
"Hibernate" will be invisible if your system doesn't support hibernation.
You can enable/disable hibernation function in Windows Control Panel
→ Power Options → Hibernate tab. If your system doesn't support
hibernation, that "Hibernate" tab will be invisible.
Configuration Options: [Shutdown][Hibernate]
Note: When OS shutdown event occurs, if there are any unnamed
files to be saved, those files will be saved automatically to folder
named "Auto Saved" in My Documents for each logged in user.
• E-mail
o The address of SMTP server is: Sets the SMTP server address
according to your SMTP configuration.
o The sender name is and the sender address is: Sets the sender
information for the e-mail.