CY7C1246V18, CY7C1257V18
CY7C1248V18, CY7C1250V18
Document Number: 001-06348 Rev. *D Page 20 of 27
Maximum Ratings Exceeding maximum ratings may impair the useful life of the
device. These user guidelines are not tested.
Storage Temperature ................................–65°C to + 150°C
Ambient Temperature with Power Applied.–55°C to + 125°C
Supply Voltage on VDD Relative to GND.......–0.5V to + 2.9V
Supply Voltage on VDDQ Relative to GND.....–0.5V to + VDD
DC Applied to Outputs in High-Z......... –0.5V to VDDQ + 0.3V
DC Input Voltage[11]...............................–0.5V to VDD + 0.3V
Current into Outputs (LOW).........................................20 mA
Static Discharge Voltage (MIL-STD-883, M 3015).... >2001V
Latch up Current..................................................... >200 mA
Operating RangeRange Ambient
Temperature VDD[15] VDDQ[15]
Com’l 0°C to +70°C 1.8 ± 0.1V 1.4V to VDD
Ind’l –40°C to +85°C
Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Range[12]
DC Electrical Characteristics
Parameter Description Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
VDD Power Supply Voltage 1.7 1.8 1.9 V
VDDQ IO Supply Voltage 1.4 1.5 VDD V
VOH Output HIGH Voltage Note 16 VDDQ/2 – 0.12 VDDQ/2 + 0.12 V
VOL Output LOW Voltage Note 17 VDDQ/2 – 0.12 VDDQ/2 + 0.12 V
VOH(LOW) Output HIGH Voltage IOH = –0.1 mA, Nominal Impedance VDDQ – 0.2 VDDQ V
VOL(LOW) Output LOW Voltage IOL = 0.1 mA, Nominal Impedance VSS 0.2 V
VIH Input HIGH Voltage VREF + 0.1 VDDQ + 0.15 V
VIL Input LOW Voltage –0.15 VREF – 0.1 V
IXInput Leakage Current GND ≤ VI ≤ VDDQ –2 2 μA
IOZ Output Leakage Current GND ≤ VI ≤ VDDQ, Output Disabled –2 2 μA
VREF Input Reference Voltage[18] Typical Value = 0.75V 0.68 0.75 0.95 V
IDD [19] VDD Operating Supply VDD = Max., IOUT = 0 mA,
f = fMAX = 1/tCYC
300 MHz 1000 mA
333 MHz 1080 mA
375 MHz 1210 mA
ISB1 Automatic Power Down
Current Max. VDD,
Both Ports Deselected,
f = fMAX = 1/tCYC,
Inputs Static
300 MHz 290 mA
333 MHz 300 mA
375 MHz 320 mA
AC Input Requirements
Over the Operating Range [11]
Parameter Description Test Conditions Min Typ. Max Unit
VIH Input HIGH Voltage VREF + 0.2 – VDDQ + 0.24 V
VIL Input LOW Voltage –0.24 – VREF – 0.2 V
15.Power up: assumes a linear ramp from 0V to VDD(min) within 200 ms. During this time VIH < VDD and VDDQ < VDD.
16.Outputs are impedance controlled. IOH = –(VDDQ/2)/(RQ/5) for values of 175Ω < RQ < 350Ω.
17.Outputs are impedance controlled. IOL = (VDDQ/2)/(RQ/5) for values of 175Ω < RQ < 350Ω.
18.VREF (min) = 0.68V or 0.46VDDQ, whichever is larger. VREF (max) = 0.95V or 0.54VDDQ, whichever is smaller.
19.The operation current is calculated with 50% read cycle and 50% write cycle.
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