Set Type This drop-down menu allows you to select either
the IP address of an SNTP server, or the Domain
Name (URL) of an SNTP server that the DFL-
600 will contact to obtain the correct date and
IP address Enter the IP address of an SNTP server here.
Domain Name Enter the Domain Name (URL) of an SNTP
server here.
YYYY-MM-DD These fields allow you to manually enter the date
using a year-month-day format.
HH:MM:SS These fields allow you to manually enter the
time using an hour: minute: second format.
The Authentication button opens the User Management page, as shown
below. This page allows you to control how users on your LAN are
authorized and to manage the bandwidth available to users on your LAN.
You can choose from the LDAP, POP3, RADIUS, Local, or 802.1X
authentication protocols. In addition, you can enable or disable the user
authentication without changing the configuration. This is useful when you
are troubleshooting Internet access problems for PCs on your LAN.