DGS-3024 Gigabit Ethernet Switch Manual
To view the Received Packets Table, click the link View Table, which will show the following table:
Figure 10- 3. Rx Packets Analysis window (table for Bytes and Packets)
The following fields may be set or viewed:
Parameter Description
Time Interval Select the desired setting between 1s and 60s, where "s" stands for seconds. The
default value is one second.
Record Number Select the number of times the Switch will be polled between 20 and 200. The default
value is 20.
Bytes Counts the number of bytes received on the port.
Packets Counts the number of packets received on the port.
Show/Hide Check whether to display Bytes and Packets.
Clear Clicking this button clears all statistics counters on this window.
View Table Clicking this button instructs the Switch to display a table rather than a line graph.
View Line Chart Clicking this button instructs the Switch to display a line graph rather than a table.