D-Link DWL-2000AP manual Status Device Info, Status Log

Models: DWL-2000AP

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Using the Configuration Menu (continued)

Status > Device Info

This page displays the current information about the DWL-2000AP, such as the assigned IP Address and the wireless settings.

Status > Log

The Log keeps a running log of events and activities occurring on the Access Point. If the device is rebooted, the logs are automatically cleared. You may save the log files under Log Settings.

View Log-

First Page - The first page of the log Last Page - The last page of the log Previous - Moves back one log page Next - Moves forward one log page Clear - Clears the logs completely

Log Settings - Brings up the page to configure the log

When you click on Log Settings in the previous window, the window at left appears. Select Enabled to save the log. In the Syslog Server field, input the IP Address of the computer on the network to which you wish to save the log settings. Click Apply to save the changes.


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D-Link DWL-2000AP manual Status Device Info, Status Log